Friday, December 19, 2014

12/19 Finals!!!

Today is the day we present over our charity research project.

Please be an appropriate and kind audience as your classmates present.

When we finish, use the link below to say who you would like to donate your $100 to (do not pick your own charity).

1st Hour:


2nd Hour:


Monday, December 15, 2014

12/15 Speech Preperation

Today  and tomorrow are the days to get your speech together--get it on notecards, get your visual aid ready, etc.

Speech requirements:
  •     Max of 3 minutes, minimum of 1 1/2 minutes
  •     Visual aid (video, poster, pamphlets, etc) If Osborne needs to project something for you, you     MUST put the link on this spreadsheet before class. NO powerpoints. 
  •     DO NOT just read your paper or just read off our visual aid
Use this handout to help you plan your speech. 

Remember the point of the speech and the paper: to convince others to donate to your charity.

Rubric for speech:

Effective introduction of the problem and the charity
Effective use of EMOTIONAL appeal
Effective use of AUTHORITATIVE appeal
Effective use of LOGICAL appeal
Prepared note cards used (speech was not read directly from the paper)
Delivery is effective: made eye contact with the audience, had good posture, did not just read cards.
Effective conclusion – call to action
Speech was cohesive and fluent; obvious practice had occurred and speaker tried their best

Visual aid was effective, put together well and a good addition to the speech

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9 CNN Student News

Today we will be completing our last CNN student news of the semester.

First we will watch the student news for today. If you are absent, just google the CNN Student News for 12/9.

Then complete your written response following our discussion. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

12/08 Emotional Paragraph

Today we will work on your emotional paragraph using your charity research outline.

Go to the Google Classroom and begin working on the emotional paragraph outline.

This will be due at the end of class on Wednesday.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12/4 Logical Paragraph

Today we will write your logical paragraph. This will be due at the end of the hour tomorrow.

Go to the Google Classroom and open up the outline.

You have all day today to work on it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

12/3 Persuasive Research Outline

Today we will finish up our persuasive research outline about the charity you chose.

Read Monday's post if you have any questions about the assignment, or are unsure about which charity you chose.

When you finish, make sure you hit the 'TURN IN' button on the outline that you used in google classroom.

Tomorrow we will begin drafting different components of the writing assignment.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12/2 CNN Student News

Today we will be doing another CNN student news. Use THIS FORM for your written response.

Sample Responses:

  • i think that the NFL shouldnt give out illegal pills or not give them to the players if they dont know what they do to there body or if they dont know what they are. i also think that the retired players shouldnt be complaining about this now i think they should of said something back when they played for the team because obviously they didnt care when the trainer or team doctor gave the pills to the player. 
  • The story i found most interesting was that the passenger that was shot down in a war zone. Reasons for the shot down was confusion, search groups can not find out which side shot down the plane.
  • i think its good that we have day light savings time because i like waking up in the morning when the sun comes up
  • i think that the irobot is a good thing because if someone is sick they could have that come to school and do the work while they r at home, but it can also be a bad thing because anything can happen with technlgoy now and days, this is important to me because i can see some benifits to the irobot 
Are these quality responses? What can be done to make these responses stronger?