Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9/30 Wednesday Data Day

Hey Guys, I am out today for a professional development. Here is what you need to do to for class.

We will take our first data probe of the year.

Please go to the this link: https://app.easycbm.com/select_cbm.php?teacher=zosborne 

Then click on your last name, then your name, then select the only test available to you.

Read through the passage and answer the questions. Please do your best on this.

When you finish you may work on your short story (the KC Star), read a book, or find something quiet to work on. I will see you Thursday.

Monday, September 28, 2015

9/28 Blood Moon Monday

Welcome back from the weekend! Hope you all had fun at the fall festival and checked out the "Blood Moon."

Today we are going to give feedback to each other on our spooky short stories. I will be around to put a grade in for your rough draft as well. First, lets watch this video to help us think about why we should revise.

How should we revise and what are we looking for? Use the 'comment' feature on google docs when giving any feedback, instead of physically writing or changing someone's work. Lets focus on revising and editing using the following chart:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

9/23 Picking Up Where we Left Off

Here is the chart that we completed yesterday in class when brainstorming what should be in a good short story:

Today we will talk about a pre-write strategies and then continue working on our spooky stories for the KC Star competition.

Monday, September 21, 2015

9/21/15 Spooky Story Contest

Welcome to class!

We are going to participate in the Kansas City Star "Ghost Story" Contest.

What I would like for you to do is create a blank google doc, and name it Ghost Story.

Here are the rules to the story:

Halloween is around the corner and The Star wants to celebrate with a spine-tingling, goosebump-inspiring ghost story. Written by you, our creative, talented readers.
We’ve started the story with a 500-word introduction to our main character, Fred. Now it’s up to you to finish the tale. We will publish at least two of the best, chosen by Star editors. (And two top winners will each receive a $50 Target gift card.)
We have some rules, of course. The story must be your original work, 1,000 to 1,500 words. It must mention two of these places and at least one in Johnson County: Mahaffie House in Olathe; Olathe Memorial Cemetery; the clock tower in downtown Overland Park; the Darth Vader building in Overland Park; Union Cemetery, KCI, Smithville Lake, William Jewell College in the Northland. 
Entries must begin with The Star’s introduction; writers may modify up to five details.
Here is the story starter from the The Star (copy and paste this into your doc): 

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article35391573.html

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article35391573.html#storylink=cpy

Monday, September 14, 2015

9/14 Short Week!

Welcome Back Students!

This week is only 3 1/2 days!

Today for our warm up, we will be doing a CNN Student News Response. When we finish, I would like for you to write a paragraph of analysis over one of the stories that stuck out to you.

Here is a quick refresher on how to write an analysis paragraph.

Submit your response HERE.

Once you finish, you have the rest of the time for you book. Remember to check the renewal date on the book. If you need to go to the LMC to renew, that is fine. Your letter will be due on Thursday.

Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11 It's Friday

Today you have a weekly letter due. When you finish it please come up to my desk and show me your pages read log and DOL's for the week. I will update the grade book accordingly.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Here is todays DOL:

1. yesterday i laid down in the hammock and read the adventures of huckleberry finn a novel by mark twain

2. their was to little water for the Grass to grow more tall

Today will be your last day to get reading in for you letter due tomorrow. I will also be checking DOL's. Next week, we should begin the token economy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Here is today's DOL:

1. wont you give kim and i there popcorn

2. we have knew that prof bagel plays golf real good

Once we finish our DOL, we will have an SSR.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

9/8 Happy 4 Day Week!

Hey All! Welcome back.

Today we will start with a D.O.L. Please take the first 5 minutes of class and correct the following in the google doc that we created last week. If you are having trouble finding it, check your CA folder that you made in your google drive.

1. us girls haven't never tore the paper into to pieces

2. that lawn in my opinion has the greener grass in louisville

With the short week, today we will be reading our books to get some pages in for our weekly letter. Remember, letters will always be located in the front of the room. If you ever want to get a head start, that is fine, just make sure you are still getting quality reading in during the week.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

9/3 DOL Thursday

Today we will set up our DOL's. Follow my directions in setting up the google doc for your DOL file. Here is today's DOL, which will be our warm up today:

ladies and gentlemen
     please send me the following coins two wooden nickels one five-dollar gold piece and three jefferson nickels
        e cameron

Once we finish our warm up, we will do some house keeping. Everyone should have taken the SRI at this point. You will then have the remainder of the hour for your books to get some pages in for your weekly letter. You will have your first letter due tomorrow.

Token Economy Update: My purchase order for the token economy is on the way. Once I get that, I will go purchase items for the token economy. I think we should be up and running in about a week.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

9/1 Happy September

Today we will finish up "A Man From the South" and continue to discuss inferences. Use these questions to guide your inferences:

Once we finish, we will set up our DOL document, do some google drive house keeping (making sure things are bookmarked, etc), and check in on SRI and make sure all scores are current. 

Today's DOL is the following:

ladies and gentlemen
      please send me the following coins two wooden nickels one five-dollar gold piece and three jefferson nickels
                                  e cameron