Friday, December 19, 2014

12/19 Finals!!!

Today is the day we present over our charity research project.

Please be an appropriate and kind audience as your classmates present.

When we finish, use the link below to say who you would like to donate your $100 to (do not pick your own charity).

1st Hour:


2nd Hour:


Monday, December 15, 2014

12/15 Speech Preperation

Today  and tomorrow are the days to get your speech together--get it on notecards, get your visual aid ready, etc.

Speech requirements:
  •     Max of 3 minutes, minimum of 1 1/2 minutes
  •     Visual aid (video, poster, pamphlets, etc) If Osborne needs to project something for you, you     MUST put the link on this spreadsheet before class. NO powerpoints. 
  •     DO NOT just read your paper or just read off our visual aid
Use this handout to help you plan your speech. 

Remember the point of the speech and the paper: to convince others to donate to your charity.

Rubric for speech:

Effective introduction of the problem and the charity
Effective use of EMOTIONAL appeal
Effective use of AUTHORITATIVE appeal
Effective use of LOGICAL appeal
Prepared note cards used (speech was not read directly from the paper)
Delivery is effective: made eye contact with the audience, had good posture, did not just read cards.
Effective conclusion – call to action
Speech was cohesive and fluent; obvious practice had occurred and speaker tried their best

Visual aid was effective, put together well and a good addition to the speech

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9 CNN Student News

Today we will be completing our last CNN student news of the semester.

First we will watch the student news for today. If you are absent, just google the CNN Student News for 12/9.

Then complete your written response following our discussion. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

12/08 Emotional Paragraph

Today we will work on your emotional paragraph using your charity research outline.

Go to the Google Classroom and begin working on the emotional paragraph outline.

This will be due at the end of class on Wednesday.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12/4 Logical Paragraph

Today we will write your logical paragraph. This will be due at the end of the hour tomorrow.

Go to the Google Classroom and open up the outline.

You have all day today to work on it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

12/3 Persuasive Research Outline

Today we will finish up our persuasive research outline about the charity you chose.

Read Monday's post if you have any questions about the assignment, or are unsure about which charity you chose.

When you finish, make sure you hit the 'TURN IN' button on the outline that you used in google classroom.

Tomorrow we will begin drafting different components of the writing assignment.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12/2 CNN Student News

Today we will be doing another CNN student news. Use THIS FORM for your written response.

Sample Responses:

  • i think that the NFL shouldnt give out illegal pills or not give them to the players if they dont know what they do to there body or if they dont know what they are. i also think that the retired players shouldnt be complaining about this now i think they should of said something back when they played for the team because obviously they didnt care when the trainer or team doctor gave the pills to the player. 
  • The story i found most interesting was that the passenger that was shot down in a war zone. Reasons for the shot down was confusion, search groups can not find out which side shot down the plane.
  • i think its good that we have day light savings time because i like waking up in the morning when the sun comes up
  • i think that the irobot is a good thing because if someone is sick they could have that come to school and do the work while they r at home, but it can also be a bad thing because anything can happen with technlgoy now and days, this is important to me because i can see some benifits to the irobot 
Are these quality responses? What can be done to make these responses stronger? 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

12/1 Persuasive Writing Project/ Charity Research

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!

Today we will begin our Persuasive Writing Project about a charity of your choice.

Here is a list of possible charities you can choose from: LIST

Here is what I need you to do today:

1. Pick a Charity

2. Tell Mr. Osborne so he can sign you up on the doc (That way everyone doesn't do the same charity)

3. Begin researching about your charity. Use the research outline on my google classroom.

4. Your charity research outline is due WEDNESDAY at the end of the day. That means you will have two full days to work on this assignment, and part of the hour on Tuesday (after we finish our student news). I will put in a grade for the the outline on Thursday morning and we will move on the next part of the assignment.

Monday, November 24, 2014

11/24 More Persuasion

Today we will begin with a brief surprise quiz!!

After the quiz... persuasive writing activity.

Dr. Jacobs has been given enough money to buy one student the car of their dreams, thanks to a new grant he recently applied for. The problem is that he is only allowed to buy a car for one student, and he does not know who to pick.

Using the persuasive techniques we have discussed, write at least two paragraphs explaining why Dr. Jacobs should buy the car for you.

Use this link to write your response.

When we finish those two activities we will discuss your persuasive paper and speech assignment.

Friday, November 21, 2014

11/21 Power of Persuasion

Please give me the link to your Google Presentation here.

When finished, we will watch two more clips.

Discuss what persuasive appeals you see and how they are effective.

Put your responses to these two videos on this document.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11/19 The Power of Persuasion

As we transition into our next unit, we will be discussing different persuasive appeals and ways of convincing other people in something you believe in.

The three types of persuasive appeals are:


We will have a brief slide show about these three types, and then you will be asked to complete the following assignment:

•Find an ad on YouTube or as an image online
•Create a Google presentation with the ad, explaining which appeals it is using and how
•Be prepared to explain if the ad is effective or not

Here is my example: 

This will be due at the start of class tomorrow.

Monday, November 17, 2014

11/17 Data Monday

-Data Monday-

Welcome to Class!

Today we will be taking another data probe. Use this link. Take your time and do a good job.

Turn in your papers to the google classroom as you finish up.

Thursday, November 13, 2014



Today I will be coming around and answering any questions you have as well as helping with the revision process.

Here are some helpful links:

GOOGLE CLASSROOM - This is where you will turn in the paper tomorrow.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Crucible Timeline

Your Crucible Outline is now due at the end of the day Friday, November 7th. Make sure you are working on this for the next two days.

We will complete the rough draft and final copy by the end of the week next week.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Crucible Paper

Today we will lay the groundwork for the paper we are going to write for the Crucible.

First, you will need to join my google classroom.

Go to website using this LINK.

Class codes:

  • 1st Hour - w4bqra
  • 5th Hour - 20kjq3

Crucible Assignment Overview: HERE

The outline and checklist for the assignment will need to be turned in on the google classroom.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/21 CNN Student News

Watch the video... lets talk about it... then use the link.


Use THIS LINK to complete your response for this week.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

10/17 Easy CBM

Today we will be taking out third easy cbm data probe of the year.

Use this link

Click on your name as your group.

Then your name.

Then take the only quiz available for you.

When finished, find something quiet to do.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Greetings, today is your Act II Quiz.

You may use your packet and any notes you may have.

Here is the link.

When you finish, find something quiet to work on.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Act II Review

Make sure the following is complete in your packet today. I will sign off on your packet when it is finished:

  • Events from Act 2 Timeline (use above video if you need help identifying important events). 
  • Act 2 vocab words are defined (and you know what they mean)
  • Act 2 study questions
  • Add details to character chart
If you missed any days, read missing parts of Act 2 in text book. If you want access to the audiobook, see me and I will get you set up with classzone. 

To study for the quiz, make sure you understand the vocab words. Here are flashcards on quizlet.

Make sure you know about the characters and about the plot of Act 2.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

10/1 Continue Act II

We will continue reading Act II of the Crucible toady.

We will finish the act tomorrow, Friday we will review, and Monday we will have a quiz.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9/30 CNN Student News

Today we will be watching a CNN student news, discussing it as a class, and then having a brief writing assignment.

9/29 Begining of Act II

Today we will begin reading Act II of the Crucible.

Make sure you are filling out your packet as we go.

Friday, September 26, 2014

9/26: Act 1 Quiz

Here is the link for the ACT ONE QUIZ!!!

You may use your notes and packet.

You may not use a friend or the text.

Good luck.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9/25 Act One Review

Today we will review Act 1 of the Crucible.


To review, watch we will watch this video...

Make sure the following is complete in your packet today. I will sign off on your packet when it is finished:

  • Events from Act 1 Timeline (use above video if you need help identifying important events). 
  • Act 1 vocab words are defined (and you know what they mean)
  • Act 1 study questions
  • Add details to character chart
If you missed any days, read missing parts of Act 1 in text book. If you want access to the audiobook, see me and I will get you set up with classzone. 

To study for the quiz, make sure you understand the vocab words. Here are flashcards that Mrs. Higgins put on quizlet.

Make sure you know about the characters and about the plot of Act 1.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9/24 Finish Reading Act One

Today we will finish reading Act 1 of the Crucible.

Be completing packet activities as we read.

We will review the act tomorrow (9/25), and then on take a quiz over Act 1 on Friday (9/26).

9/23 CNN Student News

Today we will watch a CNN student news and have a class discussion.

Be prepared to draft a written response to one story that stood out to you.

Assignment: Write a paragraph analyzing the story that stood out to you most. Make a connection, explain why it is important, or give some other analysis. When fished, email it to me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Crucible

Today we will start the Crucible.

Here are the instructions for the day:

Get a Crucible packet.

Write your name on the packet.

Flip to the vocabulary section, and define the Act 1 vocabulary in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. You may use a text book or your computer to find definitions. You are encouraged to put definitions in your own words in order to shorten them.

We will then read the first page of the Crucible.

Grab a big yellow texbook and open to page 137. We will read 137- 138 today.

As we read begin identifying characters and specific traits about them.


The class code is 3119591-20

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/16 CNN Student News

Today we will watch a CNN student news and have a class discussion.

Be prepared to draft a written response to one story that stood out to you.

Assignment: Write a paragraph analyzing the story that stood out to you most. Make a connection, explain why it is important, or give some other analysis. When fished, email it to me.

9/15 Histories Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials

Today we will watch a clip about the Salem Witch trials. Pay extra attention to the part of the video that discusses mass hysteria. As long as the class is engaged, there will be no additional assignment.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9/10 Crucible WebQuest

Today we will be working on a pre-reading activity for the Crucible.

I shared with you all a copy of an online webquest this morning. It is in your email. Open it up, and follow the directions. All of the answers can be found using the links I have provided you, but it may take some detective work.

You may work together if you want.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9/9: CNN Student News

Today we will watch a CNN student news and have a class discussion.

Be prepared to draft a written response to one story that stood out to you.

Assignment: Write a paragraph analyzing the story that stood out to you most. Make a connection, explain why it is important, or give some other analysis. When fished, email it to me.

9/8 Sinner's at the Hand of an Angry God


As we read:

  • On piece of paper, draw a picture of the image you are seeing in your head as we read.
  • Once finished, the author uses several different images throughout the sermon. Pick the one you thought was most powerful or stuck out most, and write a paragraph identifying the image and explaining why the image was effective. 

9/4: Puritan Beliefs Poster

Students are to form groups and work on Puritan beliefs poster.

  • In groups of 2 or 3, get a piece of butcher paper

  • Take these 4 beliefs and represent them visually. You must also include the heading for each belief 


  • Best one gets extra credit and will be displayed in the classroom. 


--Importance of Community

•Believed they were on historical & religious mission
•Destiny of community was everyone’s responsibility

–Predestination and Original Sin

•God has chosen in advance which souls are saved
•Could not change individual fates directly
•Not obvious who was chosen, so all must be good
•All are born sinful because of Adam and Eve, saved through grace

–Hard work

•Material and social success were signs of God’s salvation
•Work ethic focused on creating a world for God
•Simplicity: Anything excessive (clothes, behavior) considered sinful

–Religious Intolerance

•Their religion is only “right” one
•Not everyone who attended church were members
•Must follow10 commandments or you weren’t a Puritan

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9/3 Easy CBM

Today we will be taking out second easy cbm data probe of the year.

Use this link

Click on your name as your group.

Then your name.

Then take the only quiz available for you.

When finished, find something quiet to do.

Friday, August 29, 2014

8/29 Quiz

Native American Quiz

Here is the link for todays quiz.

When finished, find something quiet to do.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8/27 Origins of the American Tradition

Today we will take notes on the explores of the Americas, and then read La Relacion.

You will not need your lap top, but will need a "Big Yellow Textbook."

Exit Slip:

Which one of the 3 G's (God, glory, gold)  to you think the Spaniards in La Relacion were pursuing. Include a quote on your post it to support your claim. Make sure your name is on the post it note and turn it in before you leave to receive points for the day.

Monday, August 25, 2014

8/25 World on a Turtle's Back

Today we will read World on a Turtles Back.

Please grab a "Bill Yellow Textbook" and turn to page 34.

Today's worksheet should be at the front of the room.

Friday, August 22, 2014

8/22 First Easy CBM of the Year

Greetings Class...

Obviously I am not here today and you have a substitute.

You are doing your first data collection of the year on a website I use a lot, called easy cbm.


1. Go to

2. Click on:  'STUDENTS' Click Here!

3. Type in my username: zosborne

4. Your group is your last name.
5. Then select your name.
6. Then select your test. Only one choice should be available to you. Each test is specifically selected for you by me.
7. Read the passage and answer the questions to the best of your ability.
8. When you finish, find something quiet to do that is not distracting to others.

Few Rules:
  • No headphones or sound until you finish your passage and questions.
    • Even if music "helps" you read. Sorry, NO HEADPHONES!
  • Do you best. You are graded on effort and achieving a valid result. Outliers, or clearly effort lacking performances are easy to spot and will be graded harshly. 
  • Please do not distract anyone around you until they finish. 
  • These should never take longer than the full period, and if you do not finish, you will not receive full points because you were clearly not engaged. 

Have a good weekend and I will see you all Monday. Be Safe, be smart, and make good choices!


Thursday, August 21, 2014

8/21 Song of the Sky Loom/ Extended Mepaphor

Today we are learning about extended metaphor, and will discuss this through a Tewa song/poem.

  • Notes on extended metaphor
  • Modern examples
    • Will Ferrel Commencement
    • Homecoming by Kanye West
  • Song of Sky Loom
    • read
    • discuss
  • Turn in exit slip

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8/20 I Have Killed the Deer

Rough Agenda for Today:

  • 'Native American Literature' notes
  • I Have Killed the Deer
  • Turn in 3 Questions at end of Hour 

Monday, August 18, 2014

8/18 SRI

Today in class we will be taking the SRI, and then finishing up "I AM" projects.

Use the following link for the SRI:


Make sure you get project turned in to the appropriate place and finish the syllabus sign off on the website.

Friday, August 15, 2014

8/15 Syllabus

All students are required to read through the course syllabus and classroom policies today in class.

Please use the link below and fill out the form correctly.

Once students have finished reading syllabus, please get busy working on your "I Am" project. Project is due Monday. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/14 First Assignment of the Year

For your first assignment, you need to create an "I am" presentation to share with the class on Friday.

Options to choose from:
1. iMovie
2. Smore
3. Tackk
4. Prezi 
5. Powtoon

Requirements to include:
1. Your name
2. Hobbies
3. Favorite song
4.  Sports/clubs/organizations involved with
5. Something you did this summer
6. Favorite quote/saying
7. Pets?

Be creative! Don't just say, "my favorite song is..." That's boring! 

Turn in your assignment using this link.

 If you choose Powtoon or iMovie, make sure you export to You Tube in order to get a URL. Let me know if you need help with this.